135 municipalities of total of 143 in BiH are connected
973 locations in BiH and DCR network
879 locations are connected via radio-relay network
17 locations are connected via MPLS Telecom
77 locations are connected via Internet
1808 network devices
We monitor 58488 attributes
of these devices from two Regional centers (BL and SA)
Uvezano 135 opština u BiH od ukupno 143
973 lokacije u BiH i DKP mreži
879 lokacija uvezano putem radio-relejne mreže
17 lokacija uvezano putem Telekom MPLS-a
77 lokacija uvezano putem interneta
1808 mrežnih uređaja
Nadziremo 58488 atributaovih uređaja iz dva centra (BL i SA)