IDDEEA Certificate Authority

The Agency for Identification Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: IDDEEA) has built a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and, subject to the Law on Electronic Signatures (Official Gazette of BiH, 91/06), acts as a Certificate Authority providing services for the issuance of qualified and non-qualified electronic certificates, lifecycle management of electronic certificates, and the issuance of qualified electronic timestamps, under the name: IDDEEA Certificate Authority (IDDEEA CA).

The IDDEEA CA issues qualified electronic certificates subject to the legal regulations, general acts, and instructions of the IDDEEA CA governing this field.

The legal framework for the activities of issuing qualified electronic certificates by the IDDEEA CA includes the following laws and regulations:

  • Law on Electronic Signature (Official Gazette of BiH, 91/06),
  • Law on Electronic Document (Official Gazette of BiH, 58/14),
  • Rulebook on Detailed Conditions for the Issuance of Qualified Certificates (Official Gazette of BiH, 14/17).

The general operational rules of the IDDEEA CA are contained in the following documents:

  • Certification Policy of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Certification Policy, CP) (hereinafter: Certification Policy),
  • Certification Practices Statement of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Certification Practices Statement, CPS).

The qualified and non-qualified electronic certificates and qualified electronic timestamps issued by the IDDEEA CA are in line with the laws and regulations, the EU eIDAS Regulation (Regulation 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC), and applicable international standards and recommendations, as well as other standards, documents, and recommendations related to the issuance of qualified electronic certificates.